Liceo Scientifico Ulisse Dini

Erasmus Plus



Liceo Scientifico Ulisse Dini  

AA.SS. 2019/2022

 Erasmus+ – Azione KA229 Partenariati Strategici fra Scuole Europee

 Progetto n. 2019-1-HU01-KA229-060984 “Culture and History of Cacao”

Project start date:01-09-2019

Project end date: 31-08-2022

Language used: English

Main objective of the project: Exchange of good practices among European schools.

And here the  Digital Journal  and the Teachers’ Manual

of the whole project!!!


18-22 May 2022

My second time in Budapest as coordinator of the project was an excellent experience that confirmed the previous one,  the  kick off in October 2019.

The Italian group, composed of 5 students, a teacher and an administrative, was warmly welcomed at the airport by the Hungarian coordinator and some host students.

It was only two months from the Erasmus week spent in Pisa and 6 weeks from the meeting in Belgium and  we all, students and teachers, realised how  strong  friendship feelings and relationship this  Erasmus plus  project had created!

The program at Poli  was characterised by different activities: 

the 5 days included learning by doing experiences presented by the teachers Hajna and Rob, sport games presented by an excellent PE teacher, the vision of the film The chocolate factory, how to make chocolate or soap, a chocolate masterclass, discovering Budapest through different activities for students and teachers. Lab activities were carried out by the students in transational groups in the afternoon.

The best experience for me was the guided tour in Budapest with a professional guide, we learned about Buda and Pest from the historical and artistic point of view, a wonderful city that I advice everyone to visit.

During the  five days all the didactic tasks and multicultural objectives in the project were achieved, the week was very rich of stimulating inputs that summarised all the previous weeks in the other countries as in a final closed circle.

A great week in a great school!

Margherita Santonocito


From 26th March to 1st April

Our week in Ghent was fantastic due to the relevant artistic importance of the city and … the Erasmus project week that was  almost a surprise!

In fact this mobility took place just a fortnight after the week “From bean to brain”in Pisa and all the coordinators had to work hard to fulfil documents, reports and plans the  such a  short time.

Fortunately the Belgium staff was  a great staff, lots of teachers were involved in the project, so we had a really great week, based on interesting excursions in Antwerp, where we visited the museum of chocolate, in Brussels where we visited the European Parliament and lots activities at school but also outdoor. Students enjoyed very much Canoeing Garbage, they had to pick up trash from the river while canoeing and this was very educational.

We shared lots of moments that reinforced teachers relationship and host/guest students friendship, we can say that all the objectives of this  Erasmus plus project, English fluency, learning by doing methodology and the topic of cacao were achieved; the feeling of multiculturalism, the most important aspect, was implemented!

Margherita Santonocito e Paola Panicucci


From Bean to Brain – Pisa 7-11 Marzo

E’ stata una festa la quarta mobilità del progetto Erasmus plus “Culture and History of Cacao dal tema” From Bean to Brainche si è svolta a Pisa, nel nostro liceo, dal 4 all’11 marzo!

Durante la settimana abbiamo ospitato quattro delegazioni provenienti da Isole Azzorre, Spagna, Ungheria e Belgio, con grande gioia ed emozione da parte dei docenti e degli studenti italiani, dopo la lunga attesa causata dal lockdown. 

Il progetto, coordinato per l’Italia dalla prof.ssa Santonocito, ha previsto lo svolgimento di un programma su contenuti letterari e su esperienze scientifiche e artistiche che ben rappresentano la “mission” del liceo Dini, con attività di peer to peer education e metodologia inquiry svolte dai gruppi transnazionali. 

Oltre alle attività didattiche, il gruppo Erasmus ha condiviso escursioni nel territorio pisano e visite guidate della città inerenti alle tematiche del progetto.

Dal punto di vista didattico, gli allievi sono stati guidati dalle loro docenti di inglese Proff. Rossi e Santonocito e dalla prof.ssa Marini per la parte scientifica.

La settimana si è conclusa con il completamento dei lavori e la presentazione dei prodotti finali, la consegna degli attestati di partecipazione a docenti e studenti con certificazione Europass e con valutazione e disseminazione del progetto su Twinspace e pagina Facebook dedicata.

E’ stata un’esperienza significativa sul fronte della condivisione di buone pratiche tra scuole europee, forte, emozionante e costruttiva dal punto di vista della cittadinanza intesa come  apertura verso orizzonti multiculturali che gettano ponti e non alzano muri tra popoli di diverse nazionalità, ci è sembrata la giusta risposta da parte della scuola al momento storico che stiamo vivendo.

Complimenti ai nostri studenti Erasmus plus che hanno preso parte al progetto e realizzato in maniera brillante le attività presentate ai nostri corrispondenti stranieri!

Di seguito i nomi:

-Gregorio Bacciardi, Elia Degli Innocenti, Sara Fattorini, Ginevra Fenech, Jacopo Ferretti, Klea Kamami, Tommaso Pucci, Anna Vallini e Filippo Viviani (classe 5B)

-Silvia Allamandri, Lorenzo Buccolini, Misael Cecchetti, Luca Granucci, Eleonora Lillo, Elena Meoni, Sabrina Sakollari, Pietro Squillacioti (classe 5D)

-Carlotta Baldi, Pietro Carmassi, Francesco Mangini, Francesco Nativitati, Camilla Piccioli, Anna Sposito (classe 3B)

-Alice Otranto, Elettra Ulivieri, Bianca Viaggio (classe 3D)

Un particolare ringraziamento va alle famiglie che hanno ospitato gli studenti delle scuole partner e alla DS Adriana Piccigallo per aver sostenuto la realizzazione del progetto.

Si ringrazia, inoltre:

-Il personale Ata del Liceo U. Dini

-Il maestro del Coro Dini Giovanni Del Vecchio

-La prof.ssa Isabella Marini e la Scuola Superiore S. Anna di Pisa per le attività scientifiche

-La F.S. Paola Panicucci

-La Camera di Commercio di Pisa e la ditta Angiolini di Pontedera per la realizzazione della masterclass sulla cioccolata

-La direzione del Parco Nazionale di San Rossore per la visita guidata e l’attività di birdwatching.

Prof.ssa Margherita Santonocito

C4-From Bean to Brain

Pisa- March 7th th 2022

Day 1- Opening ceremony

Principal and coordinator welcome  Erasmus teachers and students

Welcome in music- Presentation and ice breaking activities

Pisa ancient Maritime Republic

 School presentation and guided tour

Chocolate in paintings

Ancient Pisa guided tour

Keith Hering Tuttomodo

The coordinator welcomes Erasmus teachers at Liceo Dini

Opening ceremony: pricipal and coordinator greetings

A message of peace, the importance of school multicultural opportunities in time of war. 

Not only English in this mobility: your language is my wealth!

Singing Ukrainian, European and  partners national hymns

Presentation of the program by the coordinator, activities to be carried out  on day 5 by transnational groups

Students working in transnational groups

Anna, Filippo and Elia present their school.  Francesco M., Francesco N., Pietro, Elettra, Carlotta, Alice, Camilla, Bianca e Anna guide guest students and teachers for a visit in national groups

Klea, Gregorio and Jacopo present Pisa Ancient Maritime Republic

.. and then  coffee break!

Silvia, Luca, Elena and Sabrina present Chocolat in art


and then a light lunch …



before admiring Keith Haring’s murale Tuttomondo presented by Anna, Pietro, Camilla, Elettra e Alice

Walking to get to Piazza dei Cavalieri and start our tour around ancient Pisa

Piazza dei Cavalieri: Pisa Scuola Normale Superiore 

Our guide!

Miracle place: The Cathedral and the Leaning Tower

Erasmus plus teachers visiting the cathedral and Galileo lamp and Madonna di sotto gli Organi painting


Museo delle Sinopie

Listening to our guide!

Chiesa della Spina

End of the guided tour: millions of thanks to our guide!

C4-From Bean to Brain

Pisa- March 8th th 2022

Day 2 – Tuscan Chocolate Valley presentation and masterclass on temperage procedure by master chocolatier Angiolini

Day 2 – Visiting San Rossore National Park, where pine nuts and honey  to make our pralines are produced.

Picnic under pine trees, guided tour in the wilderness, birdwatching

Day 3

From Bean to Brain

Scientific experiments on chocolate.

This activity carried out  by Italian students and presented to our hosts using peer to peer methodology, was based on various experiments on cacao temperage, its transformation according to cold and hot temperature:

the cocoa identity card: Theobroma cacao
●Manufacturing cocoa: laboratory work on enzymatic fermentation, roasting and Maillard reaction, chemical composition and physical properties, cocoa butter crystallization; nutritional value and antioxidant properties

More about scientific day: Toscolata project at Sant’ Anna University

In the afternoon  Erasmus plus teachers and students visited S. Anna university where some teachers presented their project on Toscolata, an experimental chocolate made of cocoa, olive oil and apples grown  in their garden. This was a project to show nutriceutical properties of this chocolate and its effects on mood.

C4-From Bean to Brain

Pisa- March 10th 2022

Day 4

Chocolate in Literature: C. Goldoni

The Mistress of the Inn – The Coffee House

Italian Students presentation and dramatisation

Another important subject that we considered to present to our hosts is Italian literature. In order to link this subject to the project  students made a research about  authors that made cacao or chocolate protagoninsts in their written  production. The Italian dramatist Carlo Goldoni is a represantive author and  scenes with chocolate described in his plays La Locandiera and La Bottega del Caffè were presented and then dramatised by the students in transnational groups. This was one of the final products that students will carry out the final day.

The vice Mayor meets Erasmus teachers and students

The local vice Mayor visited the school to meet host students and teachers to underline the importance of erasmus activities, in fact her main role in the municipality is to promote  international school events in the territory.

– Visiting Marina di Pisa, lunch and ice cream on  the beach

Another meaningful visit in the program

of the week  is the village on the sea Marina di Pisa. its importance  is given by the art deco buildings and the decadent atmosphere that inspired the poets Gabriele D’Annunzio and Giosuè Carducci as they lived there and composed some of their poems. Hosts students and teachers spent time there  having a lively time with a picnic on the beach and tthen tasting a sustenaible local ice cream whose best flavour are pinenuts and S. Ranieri cream,  Pisa Saint Patron. 


-fair well dinner

A very impressive moment was the fairwell dinner, sharing typical fish meals prepared by an Italian  chef in a restaurant in Marina di Pisa on the harbour and where our partners were gifted by master chocolatier Angiolini’s pralines made for the project with typical ingredients from San Rossore National Park, honey and pine nuts, visited the day before after Angiolini’s chocolate workshop We offered and tested them,   the right epilogue of this day.


C4-From Bean to Brain

Pisa- March 11th 2022

Day 5: This is the final work done by  hosts and guests students:

Transnational groups presentation of  the final products to the audience:

performances, photos, using graphic tablets and maps.

They did a great cooperative job!


 Teachers meeting preparing next mobility!                                           Article about the Erasmus project at Liceo Dini



Finalmente ce l’abbiamo fatta!  

Nonostante i lunghi tempi di attesa e le incertezze dovute al momento, è stato possibile effettuare la seconda mobilità all’interno del progetto Erasmus plus KA229 “History and Culture of Cacao” dal 9 al 18 ottobre scorsi, anche grazie alla dedizione della docente coordinatrice del progetto in Italia, Margherita Santonocito. Quattro studenti di 5 D, Silvia Allamandri, Luca Granucci, Elena Meoni e Sabrina Sakollari -accompagnati dai due insegnanti di inglese Antonella Rossi e Juri D’Olivo, si sono avventurati in mezzo all’oceano Atlantico approdando nell’isola di Terceira ad Angra do Heroismo (Azzorre, Portogallo) 

La scuola ospite Escola Basica Secundaria Tomas de Borba, ha predisposto per noi e gli altri gruppi delle scuole partner (Ungheria, Spagna, Belgio) un’accoglienza impeccabile, caratterizzata da attività coinvolgenti, disponibilità e grande calore umano. Il nostro Liceo ospiterà tutti i partecipanti al progetto dal 17 al 24 gennaio 2022. 

Rispetto al tema comune, ad Angra (Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità dell’UNESCO) spettava il compito di incentrarsi sull’aspetto della diffusione dello zucchero, legato all’espansione del Portogallo. E così gli studenti hanno appreso informazioni sui diversi tipi di zucchero (canna, barbabietola) e la loro lavorazione, le piantagioni e la produzione in Brasile, Africa, le isole delle Azzorre e di Madeira, l’arrivo dello zucchero in Europa. I contenuti sono stati presentati tramite video e Power Point illustrati dagli alunni portoghesi; poi sono rielaborati attraverso attività in gruppi transnazionali condivise al termine con tutti (utilizzo varie applicazioni come PADLET, SEPPO) e con produzioni finali creative ed originali diffuse in vari social, oltre che sui siti delle scuole partecipanti. Non sono mancate spiegazioni e realizzazioni dal vero, da parte di esperti, di dolci tipici dell’isola con coinvolgimento dei nostri studenti (alfenim, a base perlopiù di zucchero; donas amélias, rochedos), nonché assaggi di altre specialità durante le escursioni (cornucópia). I lavori si sono svolti in un’ampia aula magna ed in una stanza attigua.  

Assieme ad una guida professionista, abbiamo visitato ad Angra i luoghi di maggiore interesse, ad esempio la Chiesa della Misericordia, il Palácio dos Capitães Generais, il Castelos dos Moinhos compreso il Museu de Angra do Heroismo. Siamo poi stati ricevuti dal sindaco, che ci ha fatto un’avvincente lezione di storia sull’importanza avuta da Angra come porto strategico nell’oceano Atlantico.  

Le escursioni ci hanno condotto a visitare mari e monti! Dalla gita in barca nella baia e attorno al Monte Brasil, alle camminate in alto sino alla fortezza nella Baia das Mós ed in basso, all’interno di Algar do Carvão, l’unico vulcano al mondo che si può visitare! 

Al termine di ogni giornata e a seconda delle caratteristiche delle singole attività, sempre in gruppi misti sono stati prodotti resoconti di vario tipo, di contenuto quindi storico, geografico, ma anche personale/creativo come realizzazioni su tela delle esperienze usando Power Point/Prezi/Padlet/video app. che hanno fornito materiali da presentare e caricare su Twinspace. 

Oltre che la collaborazione continua, la condivisione quindi è sempre stato il momento finale. I lavori proposti hanno tenuto conto dei vari stili cognitivi preferenziali individuali. Sull’esito finale dell’esperienza, così fruttuosa per gli studenti e per gli insegnanti coinvolti, si rimanda a quanto segnalato nel resoconto della precedente mobilità per non ripetersi, auspicandoci che l’adesione a questi progetti Erasmus+ possa divenire una costante nell’offerta formativa del nostro istituto. Rappresenta davvero un “plus”per la crescita personale dei partecipanti.

Teachers’ report 2^ mobility

Finally we did it! Despite the difficulties and uncertainties given the current times, it was possible  to carry out the second mobility within the Erasmus plus KA229 “History and Culture of Cacao”  project from 9 to 18 October, also thanks to the dedication of the coordinator of the project in Italy,  Margherita Santonocito. Four 5 D students, Silvia Allamandri, Luca Granucci, Elena Meoni and  Sabrina Sakollari – accompanied by the two English teachers Antonella Rossi and Juri D’Olivo,  ventured into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean landing on the island of Terceira in Angra do  Heroism (Azores, Portugal). 

The host school Escola Basica Secundaria Tomas de Borba welcomed us and the other groups of the partner schools (Hungary, Spain, Belgium) with an impeccable organisation, characterised by  exciting activities, a helpful staff and great human warmth. Our Liceo will host all the participants  in the project from 17 to 24 January 2022. 

With respect to the common theme, Angra (UNESCO World Heritage Site) had the task of focusing  on the spread of sugar, linked to the expansion of Portugal. Thus the students learned about the  different types of sugar (cane, beet) and their processing, plantations and production in Brazil,  Africa, the islands of the Azores and Madeira, as well as about the arrival and use of sugar in  Europe. The contents were illustrated by the Portuguese students through videos and Power Point  presentations; then they were reworked – through several applications such as PADLET, SEPPO by transnational groups whose storyboards were finally shared with all the others. All that resulted  in creative and original productions, then disseminated in various social networks, as well as on the  sites of the participating schools. We even enjoyed being shown by “artisans”- helped by our  students- how to prepare typical island sweets (alfenim, mostly based on sugar; donas amélias,  rochedos), and were also given the chance of tastings more sweets during our excursions  (cornucópia ). The activities took place in the large school auditorium and in an adjoining room. Together with a professional guide, we visited the places of greatest interest in Angra, for example  the Church of Mercy, the Palácio dos Capitães Generais, the Castelos dos Moinhos and the Museu  de Angra do Heroismo. We were then received by the mayor, who gave us a fascinating history  lesson on the importance of Angra as a strategic port in the Atlantic Ocean. 

The excursions led us to visit seas and mountains! From a boat trip in the bay and around Monte  Brasil, to walks up to the fortress in the Baia das Mós and below the earth, inside Algar do Carvão,  the only visitable volcano in the world! 

At the end of each day, according to the characteristics of the single activities, reports of various  types were produced in mixed groups. They were of historical, geographical content, but also  personal / creative works, such as realizations on canvas of the experiences, and were realised by  using Power Point / Prezi / Padlet / video apps. resulting in materials to be then presented and  shared, and finally uploaded in Twinspace. 

In addition to continuous collaboration, sharing was always the ultimate achievement. The proposed activities took into account the different individual cognitive style preferences. As for an evaluation of the experience, so fruitful for the students and teachers involved, we can just enthusiastically echo what was reported about the previous mobility! It is to be hoped that joining  these Erasmus + projects can become a permanent feature in our school curriculum. It really  represents a “plus” for the personal growth of the participants.

Azores from the Italian students’ point of view

Sabrina Sakollari

We departed from Pisa at 6,30 and arrived at 8 in Lisbon (Portuguese hour). While waiting for the next plane we looked around the Lisbon airport, which I really enjoyed: it had a wonderful industrial design. We then took the plane to Terceira and we were welcomed by the hosting families and the teachers, after doing a covid test. I was taken to lunch at “Quinta dos Acores”, a restaurant with a beautiful view of the city of Angra that selled local and fresh food (they actually had a factory next to the restaurant where they produced their own butter and cheese). After arriving home, my host and I went on a walk around the city. 

On Sunday my host family took me to a village named Biscoitos. Biscoitos is known for its natural pools, where people can freely swim. It was windy, therefore there were a lot of waves that broke on the lava stone rocks, giving a very suggestive appearance. 

day 1 

Monday was the first effective day of the Erasmus project, so we met at school at 8.30 with all the other participants of the project. Later we moved inside the auditorium-a breathtaking room, very similar to the ones you see in movies- where we listened to the introduction speech of the headmaster and the English teacher and to some musical performances of the students. 

Then the Portuguese students made some presentations about Terceira and the way the islands are highly linked with sugar. We then engaged in some ice breaking activities like human bingo, which I can say were really helpful to start conversations with people from all the countries. After having a break -we tried the traditional sweets they told us about- we had a tour of the school, during which we could learn more about how the scholar system of Portugal was. We had lunch at the school canteen and then we followed a workshop on alfenim,a Portuguese sugar-based candy and we had the opportunity to shape it as we pleased. 

Since it was the birthday of one of the participants, after finishing the activities we went bowling all together. 

day two 

On Tuesday we met in Fanal Bay at 8.20 and we went walking to Patio de Alfandega where we saw the statue of Vasco da Gama and the front of the Igreja da Misericórdia. We then went inside it and visited the underground galleries where you were able to see the bones of the rich people that wanted to be buried in that sacred place. Later we went to Palácio dos Capitães Generais, the place where the mayor lived, and we learned about the history of the archipelago and its governors. 

Afterwards we visited the Museu do Angra do Heroismo to learn more about the strategic importance of the islands regarding the commerce between europe and america. Then we had a very fun activity: we were given a round piece of a material that had the consistency of paper and plastic, on which we could draw or write what we wanted. It was then put in the oven where it became smaller, ideal for a keychain! When we finished the activity we had lunch at the idyllic Botanical Gardens from where we took a staircase that landed us to the Memoria Obelisk, from where you could have a breathtaking view of the city. We went down and headed to the Palaset do Silver e Paolo. Half of us went up to the

dome distinguished by its colorful stained glass windows and we were also able to walk around it, having a 360° view of the city. 

On our way to meet the Mayor, we visited a few churches and eventually we were welcomed by him in the city hall. He held an interesting speech about Terceira that I found very captivating. 

Because of the weather we had to anticipate Thursday’s boat trip around Mont brazil, and on our way to the harbour we received a traditional pastry filled with egg cream. 

day 3 

We departed at 09.00 to visit Baia da Salga and we walked following the traces of the old fortresses in Baia das Mos. We had a lunch break at a pretty picnic point in the woods and then proceeded to visit the Furnas do Enxofre, to see the volcanic smokes. Finally, we visited the only accessible volcano in the word, Algar do Carvao. It was such a magical experience being inside of it, made even more fascinating by the constant light rain that there was. It surely was one of my favourite things about Terceira. 

day four 

On Thursday we visited Saint John Baptiste Castle, the biggest of the island. We went to the church inside of it where we visited the old prisons. Then, since it was raining, we had a free afternoon. 

day five 

We met up at school and had a workshop on traditional sweets made with chocolate and sugar: Rochedos and Donas Amelias. Thereafter, we took part in a team working project using different softwares, each group focusing on a different day of the project. Lastly we participated in a kahoot game about the whole experience. 

It definitely was the most emotional day because we had to say goodbye to each other for what- we hoped not- was the last time. 

This surely was an experience that changed me, i had the opportunity to learn new things about Portugal, specifically of Terceira and its culture. Meeting people from different countries of Europe was an experience that helped me look at things from a different point of view.


Silvia Allamandri 

Being able to travel around the world to visit new places and to meet new friends has  always been one of my biggest dreams. 

In addition , since I have been talking to my correspondent for almost two years -hence since the very beginning of the project- before actually meeting up, I was really looking  forward to going to Azores and spending some time with her in real life. This experience was such a great opportunity, because it gave me the occasion to meet  people from different countries and to get to know their culture.  

Also, I had the chance to travel and to practice English, to learn about the history of the  hosting country and to experience things I had never had the possibility to do before.  Seeing how students from different parts of Europe live their school life was interesting  and enlightening, too. 

All the activities were pleasant and fun to do, and I particularly enjoyed walking around the  city of Angra do Heroísmo, which is so different from the Italian cities I’m used to see and  has a completely different origin.  

I also found the boat trip amazing, because I had never seen the ocean before, and sailing it was such an awe-inspiring experience. 

Lastly, as I especially like trails and being surrounded by nature, to me the Island of  Terceira was sublime, and it had suggestive landscapes that left a really strong impression on me. 

This Erasmus helped me grow a lot, by showing me different lifestyles and opinions, and  even if It lasted only a week I will hold on to this happy memories for a really long time. 

Elena Meoni

My Erasmus+ project in Terceira  

This year I had the opportunity to participate in the European project “Erasmus + Culture and his tory of Cacao” which led me to spend 5 wonderful days on an incredible place in the middle of  the Atlantic Ocean, the Azores. 

Personally, I found this experience extremely useful and enjoyable and It helped me grow as a  person, student and citizen of the European community. It was my first time in a project like this so, at the beginning, I was a little worried but instead it turned out to be a very pleasant and inter esting experience. 

Thanks to this project I had the opportunity to visit wonderful places that I would never have vis ited alone and to meet people who immediately made me feel comfortable and safe. In fact, the  great thing about this project was meeting many young people of my age from different countries  and being able to get to know new cultures and different languages. Thanks to this experience I  have created strong bonds of friendship with many different people around Europe. I also improved my English a lot thanks to my friends who helped me with new words and expres sions. The activities were fun and engaging : my favorites were the visit of Algar do Carvao, the  one and only visitable Vulcano of the world, end the workshops about Alfenim and Donas Amelias because I think they helped us to better understand and appreciate the history and culture of the  Azores. I recommend this experience to everyone because it’s a really good opportunity to learn  something new while having fun and spending time with many new friends. 

 Luca Granucci 

I think that this experience was excellent for me as it gave me the chance to meet people from  different cultures and of living in Terceira, a beautiful place with a deep history and beautiful  nature. Firstly, I had the chance to finally meet my host, with whom I had the chance to live many  great experiences and with whom I have formed a great bond. I really enjoyed the workshop we  had at their school, as they allowed me to know more about subjects our hosts study in and  made me learn more about the local traditions. I also loved the boat trip, as going fast on the  waves was a fun experience, while also giving us the chance to see the coast of the island from a  different perspective. Another experience I really enjoyed was the trip inside Algar do Carvão,  which, being the only visitable volcano in the world, was an interesting and unique experience,  and I appreciated the times we went to the sea, which was surprisingly not very cold. Also, I  enjoyed visiting the Museu de Angra do Heroísmo, as it gave me some interesting insight on the  commercial and strategic importance of the Azores. Overall, I think that this experience has  expanded my world view, by letting me live in a place with a different culture than that of Italy,  and by letting me see how people my age from different countries study and live. It has also  helped me form great friendship with people from all around Europe, thought me more about the  importance of chocolate and gave me an opportunity to practice my English.

Sito del programma Erasmus+




 Si è conclusa positivamente la prima mobilità del progetto Erasmus plus KA229 “History and Culture of Cacao”, svoltasi dal’11 al 18 gennaio di quest’anno, che ha portato 7 studenti e 2 docenti del liceo Dini nelle terre della Catalogna, ospiti della scuola Fundació Escolas Garbí di Esplugues, uno dei cinque paesi del progetto.

Qui il gruppo italiano, formato dagli studenti Gregorio Bacciardi, Elia Degl’Innocenti, Sara Fattorini, Ginevra Fenech, Klea Kamami, Tommaso Pucci e Anna Vallini della classe 3B e dalle docenti d’inglese Margherita Santonocito, coordinatrice del progetto e Anna Trombetta, ha incontrato gli altri gruppi delle scuole partner provenienti da Belgio, Portogallo e Ungheria, oltre ai corrispondenti catalani. Si tratta della prima esperienza di questo tipo nel nostro Liceo che, a ottobre 2020, ospiterà gli studenti delle scuole partner.

Il progetto prevede la condivisione di buone pratiche su un tema comune, che in questa mobilità è stato incentrato sul ruolo storico della civiltà spagnola nella scoperta del cacao, sulla sua diffusione in Europa e sul processo di trasformazione: sono stati presentati diversi video sulle culture pre-colombiane (Aztechi, Maya e Incas) a cui hanno fatto seguito ricerche storiche, artistiche e letterarie, laboratori sensoriali, interviste sul campo  e workshop in cui gli studenti hanno prodotto materiali diversi.

 I documenti presentati in Power Point, attraverso attività transnazionali motivanti e pratiche, hanno implementato competenze cognitive, artistiche e attitudinali in tutti i presenti. Gli studenti hanno avuto modo di conoscere l’intero percorso marittimo dei semi di cacao, provenienti dal Sud America e dal continente africano, fino al loro arrivo in Europa, dove sono stati trasformati in tavolette di cioccolato, all’epoca presenti soltanto sulle tavole di famiglie appartenenti all’aristocrazia.

Le attività sono state svolte in uno spazio ampio della scuola, l’Agorà, ma anche fuori sede, in diversi luoghi e musei storici di Barcellona e del territorio circostante, sempre attinenti al tema e alle attività del giorno ( Museo delle Culture del Mondo, la Casa del Museo Amantller accanto a Casa Batlló di Gaudí, in stile modernista, il Museo del cioccolato di Agramunt con la fabbrica artigianale del  XVI secolo, il monastero di Vallbona dove il cioccolato è stato prodotto per la prima volta in Spagna.).

Tutte le attività sono state documentate con fotografie e video, rielaborate in gruppi transnazionali in maniera collaborativa, usando diverse applicazioni (PADLET; SEPPO), con produzione  di  materiali rilevanti, creativi e dinamici condivisi sui siti digitali delle diverse scuole partner e del progetto (TwinSpace, pagina Facebook) ai fini della disseminazione.

Dopo le attività, ci sono state occasioni per scoprire l’enorme valore artistico di questa parte della Spagna, molto rappresentativa dello stile modernista  e delle opere di artisti come  Gaudì.

La settimana si è conclusa con il completamento dei lavori e la presentazione dei prodotti finali, con la valutazione del progetto in Google e la consegna di certificati di partecipazione a docenti e studenti con successiva certificazione Europass.

Per gli studenti coinvolti si è trattato di una tappa importante e fruttuosa sotto diversi aspetti: essi hanno potuto vivere l’esperienza di uno scambio all’estero, ospiti dei loro corrispondenti,  con i quali hanno condiviso la vita quotidiana e scolastica, usando l’inglese come lingua di comunicazione in una varietà di situazioni.

Inoltre si sono create amicizie che probabilmente dureranno nel tempo. Gli studenti hanno avuto modo di vivere una realtà scolastica diversa dalla nostra, sia per le strutture che per l’organizzazione del percorso scolastico: questo ha permesso loro di confrontare e vedere punti di forza e punti di debolezza,  con una mente aperta al dialogo, per imparare dalla diversità e non per giudicare: un piccolo passo per diventare cittadini europei critici e  senza pregiudizi.

Da ultimo, ma non meno importante, si è creato fra i docenti delle scuole partner un clima di affiatamento e di condivisione che ha gettato le basi per una proficua collaborazione.

 Questo progetto è quindi un’ottima occasione di aggiornamento professionale ma anche un’esperienza  coinvolgente dal punto di vista umano, da condividere il più possibile.

Prof.ssa Margherita Santonocito

Prof.ssa Anna Trombetta



Secondary school students still learn separate school subjects at lessons and lack the interdisciplinary, global understanding and competences needed in the 21st century.

Project weeks, built around a certain topic with an inquiry and competence based aspect, help to gain such skills through various collaborative and reflective activities, encouraging creativity“learning by doing”.

Our project follows the history of a simple product, chocolate, from

– the discovery of cocoa beans by Spanish conquistadors in the Americas,

– adding sugar to them in the Azores,

-chocolate making and flavouring traditions in the ’Chocolate Valley’ of Italy,

-producing the famous Belgian chocolate to introducing Fair Trade for our sustainable future.

 It finishes with  the Hungarian Chocolate Project Week as a good practice.

The entire project may be taylored to the needs and educational program of partner schools.


  • to support students in acquiring both global & key competences, understanding our common history and contributing to our sustainable future;
  • to encourage social inclusion and help to prevent early school leaving at each partner by implementing an interdisciplinary project week;
  • to build a European network of schools and teachers, to give them tools to help lifelong learning of their students, thus to contribute to the development of the involved schools in the long term.

Number and profile of participants

5 European secondary schools in Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Spain which all have practice in transnational projects:

1- Kozgazdasagi Politechnikum Alternativ Gimnazium (Hungary), applicant school;

2- Sint-Janscollege (Belgium);

3- Fundacio Escoles Garbi (Spain);

4- Escola Basica Secundaria Tomas de Borba (Portugal);

5- Liceo Scientifico Ulisse Dini (Italia).

About 25 students in each school, 14-17 years old, altogether 125 students, 40 of them with fewer opportunities;

2-3 teachers (of English, Arts, History, Geography, Science, Religion etc.) in each school.


Description of activities and mobilities

0- Joint staff training in Budapest, Hungary- October 2019:

 a meeting to learn about eTwinning (TwinSpace) and make a teachers’manual for the students’ exchanges to be used as guidelines throughout the project – 4 days – 1 teacher.

It will be followed by 5 short term exchanges of pupils, one at each partner:

1- “A journey from Cacao to Chocolate”Barcelona, Spain

 January 2020- 7 days-5 students, 2 teachers

2- “At the Crossroads of Chocolate and Sugar”- Angra de Heroismo, Portugal

April 2020-7 days- 5 students, 2 teachers

3- “From Bean to Brain”: Pisa, Italy- October 2020

7 days- students, teachers  involved in the project, DS, Administratives in Liceo Dini

4- “From Colonialism to Fair Trade”Ghent, Belgium

 February 2021-7 days-5 students, 2 teachers

5- “Chocolate Project Week”- Budapest, Hungary

 April 2021-7 days- 5 students, 2 teachers



 There will be activity, inquiry and competence based, non formal methods used – field and Internet research, laboratory work, interactive & creative workshops. Educational visits to museums, factories, monasteries, castles, community shops and cafés combined with seminars and workshops will activate students’ interest and raise their awareness of history, production, consumption and sustainable future.

  • At the Joint Staff Training:

 presentations, reports, analysis, discussions, brainstorming, peer to peer learning, editing teachers’ manual.

  • At After-School Workshops For Students:

group and pair work, presenting to an

audience, research about history, geography, partner schools and countries; home assignments before exchanges, collaborating on the TwinSpace, editing digital project journal, etc.

  • At Student Exchanges:

“learning by doing” – transnational group or pair work, peer to peer

learning; educational visits, interactive workshops, presenting to an audience, discussions, games, intercultural learning, working on the TwinSpace, etc.

Results and products

  • teachers’ manual – created at the joint staff training, revised after exchanges and uploaded to the TwinSpace with free access for the public;
  • digital project journal (5 editions) – after each student exchange, participants will make an edition about their activities and results;
  • board games created and printed.

Impact on partner schools

  • the project will enhance their educational programs with a project week using non formal, inquiry and activity based methods.

Impact on participating teachers

  • the project will contribute to the development of their motivation, attitude, professional skills and methods, English and ICT competences and help to prevent professional burnout.

Impact on participating students

  • participating students will find school more attractive and their academic performance will improve due to the learning outcomes of interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, creative activities;
  • the inclusion of students with fewer opportunities in the project will help their social integration.

Long term benefits

  • students of the partner schools will actively support fair trade and sustainable future.